J. Technology and Education, Vol.14, No.1, pp.5-10, 2007
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Educational practice of storing the electronic lecture document with the teacherfs voice on a server for educational purposes
Tadayosi YOSHIMURA*1, Toru SAITO2, Yoshihiro AOYAMA2,
Noboru ASHIDA2, and Akihiro INOUE2
1Department of Chemistry and Biology Engineering, 2Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Fukui National College of Technology (Geshi, Sabae, Fukui 916-8507, Japan)
(Received November 19, 2006; Accepted January 29, 2007)
E-learning is currently quite common.@The use of local area networks (LANs) is also common when teaching over the Internet.@E-learning to support conventional lectures using a blackboard is a common Internet occurrence these days.@When a lecture is recorded with the teacherfs voice and stored on a server, students can go over the information as many times as they desire.@We used gEduCanvash, a commercial application, as an e-learning system.@The system is quite convenient for students.
Students filled out a questionnaire after using the e-learning system. The effectiveness of this e-learning system was improved by the Internet review.@These lecture files will be useful archives for all types of students.
Key words: E-learning, E-learning system gEduCavash, Electronic lecture document, Learning environment