J. Technology and Education, Vol.16, No.1, pp.23-29 , 2009
城石 英伸*1,工藤 節子1,小島 洋一郎2
1東京工業高等専門学校 物質工学科,2苫小牧工業高等専門学校 理系総合学科
Effect of Information Processing Linked with Content of Chemical Science and Engineering Field
Hidenobu SHIROISHI1, Setsuko KUDO1, Yoichiro KOJIMA2
1Departments of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tokyo National College of Technology (Kunugida 1220-2, Hachioji city, Tokyo, 193-0997, Japan)
2Department of Natural and Physical Science, Tomakomai National College of Technology
(Received May 9, 2009; Accepted June 3, 2009)
  We conducted an opinion poll about computers and programming languages with the 4th year students of the Department of Chemical Science and Engineering at Tokyo National College of Technology. Based on the results, we renewed for them the contents of Information Processing II class. Prior to the renewal, even after the original class, students viewed the programming language as useless information. They felt the programming language was difficult and inconvenient, and they were unaware of its use in the analysis of experimental results. We therefore introduced to the class Maxima and Visual Basic for Applications in an effort to lower the programming difficulty. We also adopted examples related to chemistry and chemical engineering to improve recognition of the programming languages.

: Information processing for Chemical Science and Engineering, Maxima, Visual Basic for Applications