J. Technology and Education, Vol.16, No.2, pp.41-46, 2009

Science partnership program for 3rd grade students of
Fukui National College of Technology
Katsumi TAKAYAMA,* Yuichi KATAOKA,
Eiichi NOMURA, Akinori Uejima, and Tadayosi Yoshimura
Department of Chemistry & Biology Engineering, Fukui National College of Technology
(Geshi-cho, Sabae-shi, Fukui 916-8507, Japan)
(Received September 14, 2009; Accepted October 6, 2009)
A genetic engineering experiment comprising DNA extraction and GFP gene transformation of bacterial cells was conducted for 3rd grade students of Fukui National College of Technology. This lecture program was adopted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) as a category of Plan A of the Science Partnership Program (SPP). The purpose of Plan A is to spark the interest of high school students in science technology, i.e., educational activities. We invited a graduated student of the Fukui National College of Technology as a lecturer. This contributed to an atmosphere of friendliness in the class and the smooth progress of the lecture. In particular, many students started to think about their academic future because the lecturer talked about his experience when he was a student. From the result of the questionnaire survey, it was clear that the large majority of students were interested in life science technology. Moreover, this program contributed to enhance studentsf motivation for learning.
Keywords: Science partnership program, Life science technology, Educational activity