J. Technology and Education, Vol.17, No.1, pp.29-33, 2010
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Report of Regional Activity for Life Science Education
Targeting Junior High School Students
Katsumi TAKAYAMA*, Toshiyuki Kawamura, Yuichi KATAOKA,
Eiichi NOMURA, Akinori UEJIMA and Tadayosi Yoshimura
Department of Chemistry & Biology Engineering, Fukui National College of Technology
(Geshi-cho, Sabae-shi, Fukui 916-8507, Japan)
(Received April 29; Accepted May 24, 2010)
This paper outlines a biological education activity as a regional contribution of the Department of Chemistry and Biology Engineering of the Fukui National College of Technology. A summer lecture, entitled gBasic gene recombination experiment course for junior high school students,h was presented by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). The program consisted of a lecture on genetics and biotechnology, including information regarding a polymerase chain reaction (PCR); in addition, an experiment involving the amplification of the alcohol degradation gene (ALDH2) was performed. The objective of this project was to improve the studentsf understanding of genetics. Ninety percent of students answering questionnaires indicated that they enjoyed the lecture and that, as a result of it, they were motivated to study life science in the future.
Keywords: Science partnership program, genetic engineering experiment, regional contribution