J. Technology and Education, Vol.17, No.1, pp.45-55, 2010
重野 里加子1、川島 なお美1、葛葉 俊文1、吉村 忠与志2*
福井工業高等専門学校 1専攻科環境システム工学専攻、2物質工学科(〒916-8507福井県鯖江市下司町)
Development of a Deodorization Device Using a Silica Gel
Coated with Titanium Oxide
Rikako JYUNO, Naomi KAWASHIMA, Toshifumi KUZUBA
and Tadayosi YOSHIMURA
Fukui National College of Technology
(Geshi-cho, Sabae-shi, Fukui 916-8507, Japan)
(Received May 1, 2010; Accepted June 15, 2010)
Photocatalysts, such as titanium dioxide, have a strong tendency to crack when exposed to organic substances. Titanium dioxide is frequently applied in the process of deodorization. We developed a deodorization device using a silica gel coated with titanium dioxide. The device was confirmed to be effective as a deodorizer of the smell of ethanol and related odors. The device can be used continuously and maintenance-free due to the photocatalytic reaction. The device must be filled with over 100g of the photocatalyst silica gel. We confirmed that the liquid deodorizer cyclodextrin (CD) in the atomization space could be decomposed.
Keywords: Photocatalyst silica gel, Titanium dioxide, Deodorization device, Ethanol, Cyclodextrin