J. Technology and Education, Vol.20, No.1, pp.39-44 (2013)




田中 孝国*、江口 智之、川越 大輔、高屋 朋彰

小山工業高等専門学校 物質工学科(323-0806 小山市中久喜771)



Preparation and Estimation of Kanpyo Desiccating Tablet


Takakuni TANAKA, Tomoyuki EGUCHI, Daisuke KAWAGOE, Tomoaki KOUYA

Oyama National College of Technology

(771 Nakakuki, Oyama-city, Tochigi-Pref. 323-0806, JAPAN)


(Received March 19, 2013; Accepted April 22, 2013)


Kanpyo (or dried gourd shavings) is a fruit of the bottle gourd. The structure consists of a lot of fiber and 95% water. We noticed this structure and performed the basic preparation of a new desiccating tablet. First, we got powdered Kanpyo product from the mill crusher. The water-absorbing performance of the powder was confirmed in a saturated container. Next, the powder was pressed by a press machine (3.0t, holding time 5min). The water-absorbing performance of the tablet was also confirmed. The results showed that the Kanpyo powder continued absorbing water under the saturated condition for 340 hours. The powder was able to absorb around 60wt%, while the tablet had the water-absorbing capacity of 50wt%. On the other hand, a fault of both the powder and the tablet was that mold was detected in the absorbed water.

Key words: kanpyo / dried gourd / desiccating tablet