J. Technology and Education, Vol.21, No.2, pp.69 -74 (2014)





高山 勝己*、上島 晃智





An example of callus induction protocol for biotechnology experiments

at Fukui National College of Technology


Katsumi TAKAYAMA* and Akinori UEJIMA


Department of Chemistry and Biology Engineering, Fukui National College of Technology

(Geshi-cho, Sabae-shi, Fukui 916-8507, Japan)


 ((Received September 16, 2014; Accepted October 10, 2014 )




It is important for students of biology courses to understand the mechanisms of action of plant hormones. However, this theme concerned with plant hormone is missing from the experiments for students of biotechnology courses at Fukui National College of Technology. Therefore, we have planned to introduce callus induction of Daucus carota into a biotechnology experiment. The callus induction protocol was prepared in reference to a commercially available technical book. This paper shows the flow of the protocol and its applied result.


Keywords: Biotechnology experiment, Callus induction protocol, Plant hormones