J. Technology and Education, Vol.25, No.1, pp.13-16
中山 雅斗1,坂元 章2,鈴木 郁功3,下古谷 博司1*
1鈴鹿工業高等専門学校・材料工学科(〒510-0294 三重県鈴鹿市白子町官有地)
2(株)ブルースカイ(〒485-0802 愛知県小牧市大草2058-1)
3長春中医薬大学 中医薬バイオ研究所, 中国,(130021 吉林省長春市紅旗街東胡同2-2)
Removal of Strontium Ions from an Aqueous Solution by Adsorption
Jatropha Waste
Masato NAKAYAMA1, Akira
and Hiroshi SHIMOFURUYA1
of Materials Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College.
Suzuka-shi, Mie 5100294, Japan
SKY Corporation, Ohkusa Komaki-shi,
Aichi 4850802, Japan
University of Chinese Medicine, China, 2-21 Hongql
Donger Hu Tong,
Changchun, Jillin
130021, China
(Received April 18, 2018; Accepted May 14, 2018)
In the present investigation, we focused on the metal ion adsorption
ability of Jatropha residue and found
it a promising material for adsorbing strontium ions from an aqueous solution. The
effects of pH, adsorbent dosage, and agitation time were studied using a batch
adsorption technique. Results
showed higher adsorption of strontium ions on Jatropha residue in the
range of pH 6 to 8. Moreover, the adsorption
of strontium ions increased with increasing dosages of Jatropha residue, and the constant adsorption was observed at
dosages of 0.07g and higher. Additionally, the adsorption of strontium ions on Jatropha residue occurred rapidly in the
early period, and 80% of strontium ions were adsorbed in 3 min of agitation
time. Our
results showed that Jatropha residue was
one effective adsorbent for strontium ions.
Keywords: Strontium
ions, Adsorption, Jatropha residue