J. Technology and Education, Vol.15, No.1, pp.19-22, 2008

下古谷博司*1,松井一直1,前田恵祐1,国枝義彦1,高木康之2, 林征雄2, 鈴木郁功2
1鈴鹿工業高等専門学校・材料工学科(〒510-0294 三重県鈴鹿市白子町官有地)
2鈴鹿医療科学大学保健衛生学部医療栄養学科(〒510-0293 三重県鈴鹿市岸岡町1001)
The Acid Hydrolysis of Dextran in Microwave Irradiation
Hiroshi SHIMOFURUYA, Kazuma MATSUI, Keisuke MAEDA, Yoshihiko KUNIEDA,
Yasuyuki TAKAGI, IKuo HAYASHI and Ikukatsu SUZUKI,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Suzuka National College of Technology,
Shiroko-cho, Suzuka-shi, Mie 5100294, Japan
Department of Clinical Nutrition, Faculty of Health Science, Suzuka University of Medical Science,
Kishioka-cho, Suzuka-shi, Mie 5100293, Japan
(Received April 30, 2008; Accepted May 14, 2008)
Recently, there has been growing interest in applying microwave heating to rapid thermal digestion. In this study, dextran dissolved in diluted hydrochloric acid was hydrolyzed by two methods, i.e., microwave irradiation and traditional conventional heating. The hydrolysis of dextran to glucose was monitored using the enzyme-coupled method, which combines the reactions of glucose oxidase and peroxidase, and high performance liquid chromatography.  With microwave irradiation, soluble dextran was converted to glucose in 80 min of heating, whereas 100 min of heating was required for conventional heating to achieve the same result.  The completeness of dextran hydrolysis was confirmed by HPLC analysis.  As a result, it was shown that soluble dextran was hydrolyzed by microwave irradiation in 80 min. On the other hand, the reaction solution in conventional heating became slightly colored with the formation of byproducts.  In contrast, no formation of colored byproducts was observed under microwave irradiation.
Keyword: Dextran, Hydrolysis, Microwave heating