J. Technology and Education, Vol.18, No.1, pp.15-19, 2011
高山 勝己*、上島 晃智、津田 良弘、野村 栄市、片岡 裕一、吉村 忠与志
* takayama@fukui-nct.ac.jp
Visiting Science Classroom for Children by Fukui National College of Technology
Katsumi TAKAYAMA*, Akinori UEJIMA, Yoshihiro TSUDA, Eiichi NOMURA, Yuichi KATAOKA and Tadayosi YOSHIMURA
Department of Chemistry & Biology Engineering, Fukui National College of Technology
(Geshi-cho, Sabae-shi, Fukui 916-8507, Japan)
(Received February 25, 2011; Accepted March 18, 2011)
For four years, we have been conducting chemical educational activities for elementary school students in the Tannan area of Fukui prefecture. During the summer vacation, we visit many child welfare institutions and conduct experiments focused on well-known chemical phenomena. An experiment with liquid nitrogen is one of the most popular activities. The experiment consists of shrinking a balloon, breaking a frozen leaf, attracting liquid oxygen with a magnet, and making ice cream. The work is an important public service to the region that promotes science among youth. Another advantage to this program is that it exposes many children to the existence of the Fukui National College of Technology. Because most of the youth completing a questionnaire indicated that they enjoyed the program, we consider it a success.
Keywords: Summer science school, Child science education, Educational activity