J. Technology and Education, Vol.20, No.2, pp.79-81(2013)





下古谷 博司*1,衛藤 2,北村 静香1,下野 3

1鈴鹿工業高等専門学校・材料工学科(〒510-0294 三重県鈴鹿市白子町官有地)


2鈴鹿工業高等専門学校・応用物質工学専攻(〒510-0294 三重県鈴鹿市白子町官有地)

3鈴鹿工業高等専門学校・生物応用化学科(〒510-0294 三重県鈴鹿市白子町官有地)


 Liquefaction Conditions of Bamboo Powder with Microwave Irradiation


Hiroshi SHIMOFURUYA1, Takashi ETO2, Shizuka KITAMURA1, Akira SHIMONO3

1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Suzuka National College of Technology,

Shiroko-cho, Suzuka-shi, Mie 5100294, Japan

2Advanced Applied Chemistry and Material Engineering Course, Suzuka National College of Technology,

Shiroko-cho, Suzuka-shi, Mie 5100294, Japan

3Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Suzuka National College of Technology,

Shiroko-cho, Suzuka-shi, Mie 5100294, Japan


(Received August 21, 2013; Accepted September 18, 2013)



The propagation potential of bamboo trees has made it more and more difficult to treat their waste in forests across the country.  While bamboo is partially recycled as biomass, most is left unused or burned.

In this study, bamboo powder was liquefied with microwave irradiation and the optimal liquefaction condition of bamboo powder under microwave irradiation was investigated using polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG400) as a co-solvent in the presence of sulfuric acid at 150.  As a result, optimal liquefaction condition was determined to be as follows: 5% sulfuric acid, 60min of heating, and a 4:1 ratio of PEG400 and Bamboo powder.  Under optimal conditions, microwave heating had a conversion ratio of 90%, and the liquefied bamboo powder showed a dark-brown color.  On the other hand, when bamboo powder was liquefied by conventional heating in conditions identical to those used in microwave heating, the conversion ratio was reduced to 70%.   Consequently, microwave heating is more effective than conventional heating.

Key words: Microwave, Liquefaction, Bamboo powder